Mountain Goat on Quandary Peak, CO

Crafting weekend projects, furniture, and cabinets in the wood shop.

Capturing nature's beauty with a Canon 60D.

Web Designer
Creating websites from design to code using Drupal, HTML, CSS, and jQuery.

Growing Marquette grapes and trying my hand at wine making.

Harvesting sap from our 10 sugar maples and evaporating it into maple syrup.

Milling logs from the backyard into lumber using a chainsaw and bandsaw.

3D Printer
Designing and printing 3D parts on our Monoprice Select Mini v2.

Technology Buff
Staying on top of the latest technology trends, gadgets, and memes.

Android Fanboy
Enjoying my Pixel 3 and all it's Google goodness.

SketchUp User
Merging technology and woodworking by creating functional design using SketchUp.

Drupal Enthusiast
Dabbling in Drupal theme design, module development, and site maintenance.

Johnnies Football Fan
Cheering on the St. John's Football Johnnies Saturday afternoons in fall at picturesque Clemens Stadium in Collegeville, MN. SJU '97